How to play Age of War | Official Rules (2024)

How to play Age of War | Official Rules (1)

How to play Age of War | Official Rules (2)

Game Components

  • 14 Castle Cards
  • 7 Custom Dice


Before playing, set up the game as follows:

  1. Place all the castle cards faceup in the center of the table so that each card is clearly visible.

  2. Place the dice near the cards within easy reach of all players.

  3. Randomly select a player to be the first player to take a turn.

How to play Age of War | Official Rules (3)

Game Play

Age of War is played over several turns starting with the first player and going clockwise. On a player's turn, he rolls dice to musters his troops, and he uses varying troop types (infantry, archery, cavalry, and daimyos) to try to conquer a castle. The game ends when a player conquers the last castle in the center of the table.

Game Turn

During each turn, a player tries to conquer a castle by filling all battle lines on the card.

The player begins his turn by rolling all seven dice. Then he decides to either start conquering a castle or to reroll his dice. To reroll his dice, he must lose a die by setting it aside for the rest of the turn.

To start conquering a castle, the player selects a faceup castle card and fills any one of its battle lines. To fill a battle line, the player must place dice on the battle line that match all the symbols of the line. Then the player rolls his remaining dice. After each roll, the player must either fill another battle line on the selected castle or lose a die and reroll his remaining dice.

This continues until the player either successfully conquers the castle by filling all battle lines or loses his last die. This concludes the player's turn and play moves to the player on his left.

How to play Age of War | Official Rules (4)

Filling a Battle Line

If the symbols on one or more rolled dice match all the symbols of a battle line, the player may fill the battle line. To do so, he places those matching dice on the card, covering up that battle line. Dice used to fill a battle line are not rolled by the player for the remainder of his turn.

A player can fill only one battle line per roll, and he is not required to fill battle lines in any specific order. A player can fill a battle line on any faceup castle card in the center of the table or in front of an opponent.

Important: Once a player fills his first battle line for the turn, he cannot fill battle lines on other cards during that turn. All battle lines that he fills must be on the same castle card.

There may be rare situations in which a player does not want to fill a battle line. For this reason, a player can always choose to lose one die instead of filling a battle line.

Special Battle Lines

How to play Age of War | Official Rules (5)

Battle lines with a number and a \ symbol are infantry battle lines. An infantry battle line is filled with one or more dice showing any \ symbols (\,\\, and \\\). To fill an infantry battle line, the total number of \ symbols must be greater than or equal to the number shown on that battle line.

How to play Age of War | Official Rules (6)

To conquer a castle in the center of the table, a player is not required to fill the special daimyo battle line. However, to conquer a castle in front of an opponent, a player must fill the special daimyo battle line.

Conquering a Castle

When a player fills all battle lines on a castle card, he has conquered the castle. He places that card faceup in front of him.

At the end of the game, each player scores the points shown on each faceup castle card in front of him.

Conquering a Clan

Castle cards belong to various clans, as indicated by the color and clan icon shown on the card. When a player has conquered all the castles that belong to a clan, he has conquered that clan; he flips those cards facedown and arranges them in a pile with the card showing points on top of the pile.

At the end of the game, the player scores the points shown on the back of this top card instead of the points on the front of these cards.

Important: Facedown castle cards cannot be conquered by other players.

End of the game

When a player conquers the last castle from the center of the table, the game immediately ends. Each player adds up all the points in front of him, which includes each faceup castle card and the topmost card of any conquered clan piles he has.

The player with the most points wins the game. In case of a tie, the tied player with the most conquered castles wins the game. If there is still a tie, the tied player with the most conquered clans wins the game. If there is still a tie, then the tied players share the victory.

How to play Age of War | Official Rules (7)

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How to play Age of War | Official Rules (2024)


How to play tug of war step by step? ›

The judge first announces “Pick up the rope”, he then says “Take the string”, and finally he tells the players to “Pull”. Once the pull command is said out the teams start pulling the rope. If a member of the team falls down that member is given a caution. Each team is allowed two cautions before getting disqualified.

How do you play war step by step? ›

Line up each of your 26 cards face-down directly across from your opponent's 26 cards. Go down the line and flip each card, as your opponent flips each card. Collect the pairs of cards that you win and repeat. Play until one player wins all of the cards.

What are the rules for tug of war rope? ›

The players begin tugging the rope when the referee gives the signal. Each player pulls backwards as hard as they can. The teams continue pulling until the center of the rope (tape mark) crosses where the referee is standing. The game ends when the referee declares one team has successfully pulled the past the center.

Is Age of War still playable? ›

The Age of War Legacy

Age of War was originally released as a Flash game by Louissi in 2007. It was one of the first base defense games and helped popularize the genre. The game has certainly stood the test of time; it's still hugely popular today. Nowadays, you can play Age of War in HTML5 for free!

Is Age of War a good game? ›

With its seven dice and 14 Castle cards Age of War is perfect for someone looking for a small game to add to their collection. All the components are really nice quality.

Does a Joker beat a Queen? ›

A joker is higher than a Jack in War. When you're playing with the joker variation, it is higher than all other cards, so it also beats an Ace, King Queen, etc and all other cards.

What is the highest card in War? ›

The cards have the normal rank from highest to lowest: ace, king, queen, jack, and then 10 through 2. The game continues in this manner until both players turn over a card of the same rank, at which point you enter a war. A war can progress in one of three ways.

Can you sit during tug of war? ›

There are a few things participants need to remember. You aren't allowed to wear studded shoes or boots with metal soles. You can't wear tape on your hands; you can't sit and pull the rope.

Is there a trick to tug of war? ›

Use your legs – The lead leg should act as the anchor, it has to be straight, as the opposing team pulls you can drive this leg further into the ground. Use the rear leg for power, keep the rope tight using your arms but drive backwards using your legs. Remember to keep your feet forward of your knees at an angle.

How far do you pull in tug of war? ›

The objective of tug of war is to pull the opposing team a distance of four metres from a fixed centre point. Pullers should all wear sturdy footwear. Experienced teams use specially made boots for outdoor tug of war and flat rubber sole trainers for indoor tug of war.

Can you play Age of War on an iPhone? ›

Requires iOS 6.0 or later.

What style of game is Age of War? ›

Age of War is a tactical warfare game that revolves around creating units to destroy the opponent's base before computer opponent can destroy your base. As you play the game and kill your opponent's units, you gain experience points which can advance you to the next age.

How old do you need to be to play God of War? ›

The game does have killing but NEVER humans just monsters. As a die hard god of war lover, I can tell u this is good for ages 13+ because its not super violent as the other god of war games where all u do is kill people for vengeance and have sex with women for points.

How do I start playing total war? ›

When starting your game you must first select a faction, there are many options for you to choose from and they each have their own traits that can assist you throughout your game. Choose wisely and read carefully to pick the faction that is right for you.


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