Sprites - Caryatid Mirror (Pocket Mirror Idea) (2024)


  • Feb 13, 2019
  • #1

Presenting another suggestion!
This time circulating around this lil' guy:

Sprites - Caryatid Mirror (Pocket Mirror Idea) (2)

(why are you so useless)
What I propose is making this item part of a crafting recipe for a new weapon!

Sprites - Caryatid Mirror (Pocket Mirror Idea) (3)

Caryatid M


Mirror of the Gods

Crafting Recipe:

Sprites - Caryatid Mirror (Pocket Mirror Idea) (4)


Sprites - Caryatid Mirror (Pocket Mirror Idea) (5)


Sprites - Caryatid Mirror (Pocket Mirror Idea) (6)


Sprites - Caryatid Mirror (Pocket Mirror Idea) (7)

Summon Weapon:
(Sentinel Type)
Summons a Doppelganger of yourself that stays still in a position dealing 1/5th your damage.
Aims where the player is aiming.
Would not apply debuffs/buffs such as life regen/On Fire!.

Damage dependent on attack of user.

*Super Crazy Idea*
Since the sentinel's aim isn't of its own...right-click targeting wouldn't be needed sooooo...
What if Right-Clicking switched your position with your Doppelganger in a Rod of Discord fashion?

Caryatid is an architectural term referring to when busts of women are used
to support buildings in a pillar fashion such as this:

Sprites - Caryatid Mirror (Pocket Mirror Idea) (8)

Derived from the "maidens of Karyai" who served under Artemis, goddess of the hunt, chastity, and the moon.
The mirror in question would be a mirror speculated to be used by Aphrodite, goddess of love, that has a similar
style of design:

Sprites - Caryatid Mirror (Pocket Mirror Idea) (9)

Fun Greek lore that fits with the theme of Medusa's drop of the Pocket Mirror! Yay mythology!

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  • Feb 13, 2019
  • #2

I mean, it’s cool, but this isn’t really buffing the Pocket Mirror. What you have created is an entirely separate concept that could be added even without the Pocket Mirror in its recipe.

I think we should just let immunity accessories apply their effects while in the inventory, without being equipped. That solves the Pocket Mirror’s main problem—it would now take up an inventory slot rather than an accessory slot.

Mushy Boi

  • Apr 12, 2019
  • #3

Great idea! Let's just ignore the fact that there is a RPG maker horror game called pocket mirror


  • Apr 12, 2019
  • #4

Mushy Boi said:

Great idea! Let's just ignore the fact that there is a RPG maker horror game called pocket mirror

Sprites - Caryatid Mirror (Pocket Mirror Idea) (13)Uh, I don't see how that relates at all to the idea...but ok, thanks. Sprites - Caryatid Mirror (Pocket Mirror Idea) (14) (I have absolutely no clue what that game is.)


  • Apr 13, 2019
  • #6

Mushy Boi said:

I'd thought I just point it out
Really I wouldn't be surprised if no one in this entire forum knew about it

Yeah just feels really random. For example if I just went like:

Oh okay! Let's just ignore the fact that there is a RPG maker horror game called "Entire Forum"

...on one of your ideas that had the words "Entire Forum" in the post Sprites - Caryatid Mirror (Pocket Mirror Idea) (19)


Solar Pillar
  • Apr 13, 2019
  • #7

Baconfry said:

I think we should just let immunity accessories apply their effects while in the inventory, without being equipped. That solves the Pocket Mirror’s main problem—it would now take up an inventory slot rather than an accessory slot.

Better than that would be to include Pocket Mirror in Ank Shield's recipe.


  • Apr 13, 2019
  • #8

TerrarianGamer0527 said:

Better than that would be to include Pocket Mirror in Ank Shield's recipe.

That is NOT better. It means that the Ankh Shield cannot be crafted without a Pocket Mirror. And the Pocket Mirror is a 1% (2%) drop from an uncommon enemy. Basically, this means no one gets to craft an Ankh Shield anymore, unless they’re willing to waste their lives camping the Marble biome. What a horrible thought.


  • Apr 13, 2019
  • #9


Solar Pillar
  • Apr 14, 2019
  • #10

Baconfry said:

That is NOT better. It means that the Ankh Shield cannot be crafted without a Pocket Mirror. And the Pocket Mirror is a 1% (2%) drop from an uncommon enemy. Basically, this means no one gets to craft an Ankh Shield anymore, unless they’re willing to waste their lives camping the Marble biome. What a horrible thought.

But the Pocket mirror gives you immunity to petrify, and following logic, it IS better.


  • Apr 14, 2019
  • #11

TerrarianGamer0527 said:

But the Pocket mirror gives you immunity to petrify, and following logic, it IS better.

Whatever logic you're using, you'd better explain it to me, because adding yet another ultra-rare item to the list of items required to craft the Ankh Shield is widely going to be considered to be extremely annoying. It will be impossible to own an Ankh Shield without farming the Pocket Mirror first. And that would require hours of standing in a boring minibiome killing Medusas.

I think you need to take a step back and appreciate exactly how rare the Pocket Mirror is. It's a 1% drop chance, and Medusas aren't even common.


  • Apr 14, 2019
  • #12


Solar Pillar
  • Apr 14, 2019
  • #13

Baconfry said:

Whatever logic you're using, you'd better explain it to me, because adding yet another ultra-rare item to the list of items required to craft the Ankh Shield is widely going to be considered to be extremely annoying. It will be impossible to own an Ankh Shield without farming the Pocket Mirror first. And that would require hours of standing in a boring minibiome killing Medusas.

I think you need to take a step back and appreciate exactly how rare the Pocket Mirror is. It's a 1% drop chance, and Medusas aren't even common.

Okay, so you'd rather have an immunity item separated from the others just because it has a very small percentage to get? I say I'd rather go to the trouble of fetching the item there in the marble caves than one day, to die because a medusa petrified me.

I can even say that the Pocket mirror instead of being in the recipe for the Ank shield will be added later, after the ank shield is crafted, that is, to craft a new item that has the petrification immunity implemented in it.

this is just not to have to use an extra slot just because an item has not been implemented along with the other immunities, you see? it's the same as with the Lava waders and the Frostspark Boots, they should be together!

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  • Apr 14, 2019
  • #14

Here's my take on all this...

Leave Ankh Shield as it is.

Make a new item called Mirror Shield that is simply Ankh Shield + Pocket Mirror?

(Also it would serve as a neato reference from Legend of Zelda Wind Waker :3 )

I'd also appreciate if the discussion was more about my idea rather than debating the use of the Pocket Mirror in the Ankh Shield. Thanks :3


Solar Pillar
  • Apr 15, 2019
  • #15

lFTLOGodsl said:

Here's my take on all this...

Leave Ankh Shield as it is.

Make a new item called Mirror Shield that is simply Ankh Shield + Pocket Mirror?

(Also it would serve as a neato reference from Legend of Zelda Wind Waker :3 )

I'd also appreciate if the discussion was more about my idea rather than debating the use of the Pocket Mirror in the Ankh Shield. Thanks :3

Perfect!Sprites - Caryatid Mirror (Pocket Mirror Idea) (30)

Mushy Boi

  • Apr 16, 2019
  • #16

Baconfry said:

Whatever logic you're using, you'd better explain it to me, because adding yet another ultra-rare item to the list of items required to craft the Ankh Shield is widely going to be considered to be extremely annoying. It will be impossible to own an Ankh Shield without farming the Pocket Mirror first. And that would require hours of standing in a boring minibiome killing Medusas.

I think you need to take a step back and appreciate exactly how rare the Pocket Mirror is. It's a 1% drop chance, and Medusas aren't even common.

I can't even get a Nazar
Now you you want me to do it a second time, but with even more rare enemies!?


Solar Pillar
  • Apr 16, 2019
  • #17

Mushy Boi said:

I can't even get a Nazar
Now you you want me to do it a second time, but with even more rare enemies!?

who? me?



  • Apr 17, 2019
  • #18

TerrarianGamer0527 said:

Okay, so you'd rather have an immunity item separated from the others just because it has a very small percentage to get? I say I'd rather go to the trouble of fetching the item there in the marble caves than one day, to die because a medusa petrified me.

I feel like you'd get yourself killed by Medusa this way more than you would while just faffing around in caves.
And, uh, speaking from personal Medusa-farming experience (on Expert), I think I'd rather just sit in History class for a day straight. The only reason I even did it was because the particular Granite biome I was using as a farm was located in the Underground Snow, so I could net myself a Frozen Turtle Shell in the process.
I never even got the Mirror; I just left once I got the Shell after, like, an hour.


  • Jan 12, 2020
  • #19

|.Terrarian.| said:

Here's my take on all this...

Leave Ankh Shield as it is.

Make a new item called Mirror Shield that is simply Ankh Shield + Pocket Mirror?

(Also it would serve as a neato reference from Legend of Zelda Wind Waker :3 )

I'd also appreciate if the discussion was more about my idea rather than debating the use of the Pocket Mirror in the Ankh Shield. Thanks :3

No Mirror Shield. The name needs Ankh in it. I got it, the Ankh Mirror


  • Jan 12, 2020
  • #20

I dont think all this pocket mirror tinker talk really is related to the thread in any way... Terrarian is just suggesting a new and unique tool.

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Sprites - Caryatid Mirror (Pocket Mirror Idea) (2024)


What is the story of Pocket Mirror? ›

The tale begins when a young amnesiac girl wakes up from slumber and begins exploring her surroundings and figuring out where she is and what her name is. Her only keepsake that clues in on her identity is a pocket mirror, with only the letter G visible on the back.

Is Pocket Mirror about did? ›

Pocket Mirror is a story about a lost, young girl struggling with dissociative identity disorder, taking a journey to discover who she is. The different characters in this game represent her personas in some points of her life.

What does the mirror symbolize in the mirror? ›

The mirror, a device known for its reflective properties, serves as a powerful emblem of truth, often used to represent self-awareness, honesty, and the unfiltered realities of life. The mirror's symbolism of truth can be traced back to ancient civilizations.

What is the true ending of Pocket Mirror? ›

Trivia. Pocket Mirror doesn't have a true ending. It's up to the individual to pick the ending they think could be considered the "best."

What is the meaning of Pocket Mirror? ›

Meanings and definitions of "pocket mirror"

noun. A small handheld mirror usually in a round metal or plastic case; mostly used to touch up make up outside the house.

What is the girl's name in Pocket Mirror? ›

Goldia is a sweet, kind, and caring young girl who is always willing to help others, no matter what the cost may be. Because of the kind-hearted nature of her personality, other characters often call her "Miss Goody Two Shoes" or scorn her for her acts of innocence.

What does the mirror reveal? ›

The mirror forms a virtual image of whatever is in the opposite angle from the viewer, meaning that objects in the image appear to exist in a direct line of sight—behind the surface of the mirror—at an equal distance from their position in front of the mirror.

Is Pocket Mirror a horror game? ›

Pocket Mirror Classic (2016), formerly known as Pocket Mirror, is an original mystery horror adventure game created by AstralShift.

What is the mysterious mirror story? ›

The friendly ghost Xoxo gets on a mission to find the wicked ghost who possess the evil magic mirror in the jungle and destroy it. The kids help Xoxo, and they venture into the mysterious jungle with duplicated images. How will Xoxo help the kids find the mirror? Will they be able to destroy it and save humanity?

What is the significance of the mirror to the story? ›

Mirrors have always been a powerful symbol in literature, often used as a tool for self-reflection and self-discovery. They are a powerful literary device utilized by authors to explore the inner psyche of their characters and delve deeper into their personalities, motivations, and desires.


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