Everyday Vegan Superfood Salad Recipe | The First Mess (2024)

Created by Laura Wright

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The everyday superfood salad is filled with kale, broccoli, mixed seeds, avocado, and topped with a fresh blueberry dressing

Everyday Vegan Superfood Salad Recipe | The First Mess (1)
Everyday Vegan Superfood Salad Recipe | The First Mess (2)
Everyday Vegan Superfood Salad Recipe | The First Mess (3)

Superfoods! These things are seemingly everywhere lately. A local grocery store has a shelf above the low-boy refrigeration display with bee pollen, spirulina, extra virgin coconut oil, flax powder, sea buckthorn juice, and E3 Live; all right next to the jello puddings and cream cheese. Even our Costco store has a big selection of chia, flax, hemp etc. Kind of amazing when you stop to think about it.

We went on a short little getaway to the Finger Lakes area of New York State this past weekend. It was beautiful in plenty of outright ways: the density of trees, the quaintness of the restoration, the views from up high, the sunshine.

Before we started on the drive back home on Monday, we hit a local grocery store that had this whole juice bar thing set up. And there was a tea counter where I got a delicious matcha latte made with coconut milk. I overheard an employee talking to a customer about the virtues of chia seeds. There were umpteen-million types of kale and apples available for purchase. I was flitting around without direction, just so excited. The approach and overall environment was so inspiring. I had this vague concept of an everyday superfood kind of salad formulating. Just a bunch of very nutritious, but still very accessible, foods together with some extra flavour and texture elements thrown in. Massaged kale and broccoli makes up the base with a bunch of other vibrant vegetables that we’ve been digging up. There’s a coriander-spiced + omega-pumped seedy mix on top, blueberry ginger vinaigrette, tons of lime, puffed quinoa, avocado and Himalayan salt.

Everyday Vegan Superfood Salad Recipe | The First Mess (4)
Everyday Vegan Superfood Salad Recipe | The First Mess (5)
Everyday Vegan Superfood Salad Recipe | The First Mess (6)

Everyday Superfood Salad with Blueberry Ginger Dressing

The everyday superfood salad is filled with kale, broccoli, mixed seeds, avocado, and topped with a fresh blueberry dressing

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Everyday Vegan Superfood Salad Recipe | The First Mess (7)

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Prep Time: 30 minutes mins

Total Time: 30 minutes mins

Servings 4 -6



  • 4 cups chopped kale
  • 2 cups finely chopped broccoli florets
  • 2 tablespoons lime juice
  • sea salt and ground black pepper, to taste
  • 1 small beet, shaved thin
  • 1 medium carrot, shaved thin
  • 1 ripe avocado, peeled, pitted and sliced
  • cup chopped fresh basil
  • ¼ cup blueberries

Blueberry Ginger Dressing

  • ¼ cup blueberries
  • ½ inch piece piece of ginger, peeled
  • 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon maple syrup
  • 2 tablespoons water
  • sea salt and ground black pepper, to taste
  • ¼ cup olive oil

Seed Mixture

  • 2 tablespoons sunflower seeds
  • 2 tablespoons pumpkin seeds
  • 2 teaspoons flax seeds
  • 2 teaspoons chia seeds
  • 2 teaspoons hemp seeds
  • ¼ cup puffed quinoa (or puffed millet, puffed rice etc)
  • pinch ground coriander
  • pinch salt



  • I throw some ground coriander in with the seeds, but any spice you’re into would be great.
  • This salad can definitely hang for a few hours if you keep the blueberry dressing off until you’re ready to serve.
  • And a note on the blueberry dressing: the flavour isn’t like a liquified pie filling with ginger. There’s a fresh and tart quality to it. If you want a more pronounced blueberry quality, I would suggest cooking the berries down in a saucepan with the maple syrup for a bit before you blend up the dressing.


  • In a large bowl, massage the kale and chopped broccoli with the lime juice, salt and pepper. Keep massaging until the leaves seem a bit more tender. Taste a leaf for seasoning, adjust and set aside. Chop and prep all of the other salad ingredients and set aside.

  • Make the dressing: combine all of the ingredients in a blender and blend on high until you have a creamy and unified mixture. Check for seasoning and sweetness, adjust and set aside.

  • In a medium sauté pan, combine all of the omega seed sprinkle ingredients over medium heat. Stir them around here and there until they smell toasty and the coriander is a bit more prominent. Remove from the heat and allow to cool slightly.

  • Arrange the massaged kale and broccoli on your serving plate. Top the greens with the beets, carrots, avocado, chopped basil, and blueberries. Season the whole thing with salt and pepper again. Stir up the dressing (it should have thickened a bit) and drizzle it all over the top and garnish the salad with the omega seed sprinkle. Serve it up!

Author: Laura Wright

Course: Salad

Diet: Gluten Free, Vegan

Keyword: avocado, beets, blender, blueberries, broccoli, carrots, flax seeds, ginger, hemp seeds, kale, maple syrup, olive oil, puffed quinoa, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds

12/09/2013 (Last Updated 03/08/2023)

Posted in: autumn, broccoli, carrots, earthy, gluten free, kale, quick, salad, side dish, sour, spring, summer, sweet, vegan, winter


  • Natasha

    This salad was incredible, and WAY less fussy than it looks. I used my trusty mandoline slicer for the carrots and beet, and everything came together really fast.

    I made a double batch of the seed sprinkle (hereafter referred to as “seed sprank”), and am so glad that I did; it added a ton of texture to the salad, and made it feel more substantial. I think I’ll be making a big weekly batch of seed sprank to put on…everything. So good. Thanks, Laura!!


  • Debbie Reynolds

    Just made this for my family. My 19 year old who survives on jun’ food had two large servings! The seeds add a lovely taste and crunch. Thank you!


  • eb

    We have made this salad twice. So freaking good.


  • Hasti Ghaznavi

    This was an AMAZING salad! Thank you so much for sharing it! My husband and I both loved it!!!


  • boujlal

    Whoa!!! That’s a recipe I can celebrate with! I have all the ingredients in my pantry. Making it today!


  • SouthernSpoonBelle

    Beautiful recipe, love it. We’ve just moved too, though downsized rather than expanding– still exciting filling a new place (and kitchen) with new possibilities. Good luck!


  • Courtney

    This looks and sounds delicious! Do you cook the beet and carrot at all, or are they raw?


    • Laura Wright

      Hi Courtney, I slice the beets and carrots super thin and leave them raw.


  • Jett

    Made this last night, absolutely delicious!


  • kendall

    Wow! This dressing is amazing! I used honey instead of maple syrup.


  • aJ o^~^o

    So, you’re my new fave page to visit DAILY~ it’s so refreshing & healthy. Just looking at your pics and not even reading yet uplifts my spirit =) Thank you very much.


  • anna @ annamayeveryday

    This salad is what I want to eat everyday for my lunch.


  • hungryandfrozen

    Funnily enough I’d just made myself a kind of blueberry salsa thing and while it tasted incredible, I just couldn’t work out what to do with it. Duh, Laura, put it in a salad! (PS my name is also Laura, was referring to myself there, not you, in case that sounded rude!)

    It’s nice that some previously only-dreamed-of ingredients are becoming more accessible, huh? Considering I only ate candy and coffee and beer yesterday, just looking at this has given me the inspiration I need to remember that I actually do like vegetables…


  • dishing up the dirt

    The dressing sounds fantastic! We have a 2 acre farm and right now it is overflowing with beets, carrots and kale. This salad is definitely happening for lunch today!


  • kate

    So glad I found your blog. It’s incredible! Can’t wait to try your recipes.



  • Lana Pribic

    when i was a kid, the only reason to go to ikea was the cinnamon buns…… not much has changed, not much has changed at all.


  • Jill

    I know this is a little off topic, but I LOVE your table cloth or table runner…whichever it is. Where’d you get it? It’s beautiful!


    • Laura Wright

      Hey Jill! I picked it up at a Home Sense store (kinda like TJ Maxx-ish if you aren’t Canadian/from the UK). I think the producer of it was Colin & Justin :)


  • Kathryn

    I love this stage of moving when you can have endless conversations about curtains or coffee tables. It never gets old does it? Also loving the every day goodness of this salad especially with that crunchy sprinkle on top.


  • Lindsey

    I just got my hands on some puffed quinoa! It is quickly altering and enhancing my everyday meals. Definitely love the idea of cramming as much superfoods in one bowl, especially with the crunchies on top. By the way, I am totally sweating that patterned red runner, it’s a beauty.


  • Medha

    Wow, what a bright and vibrant salad! Gorgeous pictures too. It will be on my salads to try list to sure!


  • Jennifer

    This looks so delicious! I already added the ingredients to my shopping list for tomorrow. Thanks for sharing!


  • Kulsum

    I have eaten my share of super foods, some pretty darn good and some puke inducing but this by far is prettiest and I have ever seen. and sure it tastes great.


  • YP

    LOVE this recipe!
    I am always lookinf for new ways to chomp up my kale, without feeling like a garden rabbit. The flavors in this must be amazing, cant wait to try.


  • Eileen

    This salad sounds so amazing & packed with everything good! I definitely need to give it a try before the blueberries are nowhere to be found for winter. :)


  • Ashley

    I think this is the most beautiful salad I’ve EVER seen! No…I know it is! Also, I can completely relate to everything you said in this post. :) Let me know if you have any questions about Ikea kitchens! I assembled one completely by myself..no lie, haha. Good luck and keep savoring!


  • annie

    What a beautiful salad! Can’t wait to try it, especially the dressing. Thanks for sharing!


  • Emma Galloway

    That dressing has me super intrigued! Yumo.


  • Ali @ Inspiralized

    AH! I love this post…. superfood salads never get old, especially with your photography! Great post, thanks for sharing.


  • Katrina @ Warm Vanilla Sugar

    There is so much goodness in this salad! LOVE!


  • Harriet

    Those moments where you find a new store or place to eat that you connect with are so awesome! I know exactly what you mean about running about excited by all those possibilities! And this salad looks so delicious – the dressing especially. Your creativity is always so inspiring to me.


  • dia

    pura meraviglia…


Everyday Vegan Superfood Salad Recipe | The First Mess (2024)


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Name: Kieth Sipes

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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.