Paleo Pancake Recipe - Mix now or save for later! – Gluten-Free Palate (2024)


Wendy Stoltz

/ Last Modified On August 3, 2023

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A Paleo Pancake Mix Recipe that is simple to make, a tried and true grain-free pancake recipe, and can be made right away, or stored for future use.

Dairy-free, and refined-sugar free, these paleo pancakes are fluffy and the perfect start to any morning. There's a vegan option included for these almond flour pancakes.

Paleo Pancake Recipe - Mix now or save for later! – Gluten-Free Palate (1)

If you are looking for more Paleo Breakfast ideas, you'll want to check out my Paleo Chocolate Chip Muffins and my Paleo Breakfast Casserole. For apple lovers, you'll want to make my Paleo Apple Cake.

Table of Contents

Paleo Pancake Mix Recipe

These fluffy grain-free pancakes are also dairy-free and refined sugar free, making them Paleo-friendly. They are high in protein and healthy fats, keeping you full longer.

With hints of vanilla and almond flavors, these paleo pancakes are sure to be a new favorite a breakfast time. Enjoy these almond flour pancakes plain or topped with your favorite toppings.

Paleo Pancakes

Everyone loves a good paleo pancake mix, and I love a good paleo pancake recipe. I find paleo pancake mixes to be expensive, so I mix up my own mix and use it anytime I want paleo pancakes.

About a year ago, I started making the dry portion of mixes in bulk and storing them in glass containers so that my sweet husband and girls could easily make the things they love when I was traveling.

Since then, we tend to keep this paleo pancake mix recipe close so that we always have pre-made mix on hand.

As a bonus, these almond flour pancakes only need a few ingredients that most people have on hand.

Paleo Pancake Recipe - Mix now or save for later! – Gluten-Free Palate (2)

Paleo Pancake Mix

All paleo pancake mixes are simply the dry ingredients combined. You always have to add the wet ingredients like eggs, oil, etc. By making it yourself, you can keep as much or as little as you want on hand.

Also, it saves quite a bit of money if you are making paleo pancakes every week. We like to make up a couple of batches of paleo pancakes and keep them in the freezer for busy mornings.

My girls pull them out and reheat them for a delicious homemade breakfast.

If we don’t make paleo pancakes, we make gluten-free pancakes using my gluten-free pancake mix recipe. It’s not paleo, but it is almond flour free if you can’t do nuts.

These almond flour pancakes are packed with healthy fats and protein.

Paleo Pancake Recipe - Mix now or save for later! – Gluten-Free Palate (3)

How long can I store paleo pancake mix?

This mix can be stored in an airtight container (or glass container) for up to three months at room temperature. It may stay fresh longer, but I wouldn't know because we usually griddle our way through the paleo pancake mix before then.

For store-bought paleo pancake mixes, always check the expiration date printed on the box.

Can I use an egg substitute in almond flour pancakes?

I have used flax egg and chia seed egg in paleo pancakes and almond flour pancakes before. They are delicious, but they don't get the same rise as you would if you used eggs.

For these paleo pancakes, you can use flax egg or Bob’s Red Mill Egg Replacer.

Paleo Pancake Recipe - Mix now or save for later! – Gluten-Free Palate (4)

When I make my own mixes and my own gluten-free flour blend, I personally like to store them in glass jars or containers. I feel that they stay fresh longer, and they are a good storage option.

When I use ball pint mason jars, I purchase the lids that have spots for the date on the lid. I write down when I made the mix or flour blend so I can keep track of how old it is.

Ingredients in Paleo Pancakes

Almond Flour- Afinely milled almond flour is the best to use when baking these paleo pancakes.

Tapioca Flour - Helps with the texture, and to hold the paleo pancakes together.

Baking Soda- This leavener helps the pancakes fluff up.

Salt - Salt helps bring out the other flavors.

Maple Syrup- For sweetness and flavor.

Eggs - For added protein and fat, and to hold everything together. Eggs also help with texture.

Vanilla Extract - For flavor and depth. Pure vanilla extract is best.

If you have any questions about the ingredients in these paleo pancakes, please leave a comment below and I will get back to you.

Paleo Pancake Recipe - Mix now or save for later! – Gluten-Free Palate (5)

How to make paleo pancakes

Always follow the recipe first. Don't work with substitutions until you know how the recipe works. Once your batter is ready, heat your pan or electric griddle and start making your paleo pancakes.

Mix dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl, then transfer to an airtight container if you are saving it for later. Don't forget to label your container with the date.

When you are ready to make paleo pancakes: In a large mixing bowl, whisk together eggs, maple syrup, vanilla, and dairy-free milk.

Add dry ingredients to the wet ingredients and stir until smooth. If you mixed up more than one batch of paleo pancake mix, measure out approximately 1.5 cups + 1 tablespoon of mix. In weight that's about 180 g.

Spoon ¼ cup of prepared paleo pancake batter onto a medium hot griddle and cook until the edges start to brown and bubbles form.

Flip paleo pancakes over and cook until brown and cooked through.

Always check for doneness before you remove your pancake from the pan or griddle.

Serve these paleo pancakes hot. These almond flour pancakes freeze well.

Paleo Pancake Recipe - Mix now or save for later! – Gluten-Free Palate (6)

Measuring Almond Flour

Remember when measuring almond flour: Spoon your flour into your measuring cup, then level it. Do not dip your measuring cup into the flour, then level. It will be too much almond flour.

I don't always include the weight of ingredients, but I did include the weight of the almond flour for this paleo pancakes recipe for you.

Pancakes with an electric griddle vs. a pan

You don't need an electric griddle to make paleo pancakes, but I find that it's way easier. For one, you don't oil an electric griddle. It's non-stick.

Also, the heat tends to stay even throughout the griddle, whereas with a pan, the heat might fluctuate. Also, you can make 6-8 grain-free pancakes at once on an electric griddle.

If you love gluten-free pancakes and want to try some different recipes, you might like my Gluten-Free Pumpkin Pancakes.

Paleo Pancake Recipe - Mix now or save for later! – Gluten-Free Palate (7)

Can I freeze paleo pancakes?

Yes, as I mentioned above, you can freeze paleo pancakes. Always bring your almond flour pancakes to room temperature first, before you freeze them.

After they are at room temperature, you can store them in an airtight container or a zip-lock bag for up to three months.

Some people like to place pieces of wax paper or parchment paper between each pancake. I don’t find you need to.

More Paleo Recipes:

If you love these paleo pancakes, you might like more of our paleo recipes.

Paleo Apple Crisp - Learn how to make the perfect paleo apple crisp! With a crunchy sweet topping and tender, tart apples, this paleo apple crisp recipe is quick to make and is grain-free, gluten-free, and vegan.

Paleo Pumpkin Bread- This tender, flavorful paleo pumpkin bread is simple to make, and it only uses a handful of ingredients. The only question is, do you like to add chocolate chips to your almond flour pumpkin bread?

Paleo Chocolate Cupcakes- These Paleo Chocolate Cupcakes are tender, rich and packed with healthy fats and protein. Top these paleo almond flour cupcakes with your favorite paleo frosting or mine.

Paleo Cornbread - A corn-free paleo cornbread that's tender, flavorful and it actually tastes like cornbread. For anyone who is looking for a good grain-free cornbread recipe, you're going to love how easy and delightful this almond flour cornbread is.

Paleo Pancakes- A Paleo Pancake Mix Recipe that is simple to make, a tried and true grain-free pancake recipe, and can be made right away, or stored for future use. Dairy-free, and refined-sugar free, these paleo pancakes are fluffy and the perfect start to any morning.

Paleo Banana Muffins- These scrumptious Paleo Banana Muffins are simple to make, and ready to devour in less than thirty minutes.

Paleo Apple Cake- One bowl paleo apple cake that's tender, rich with apples and cinnamon, and simple to make. This paleo apple cake recipe is also gluten-free, dairy-free, and refined sugar free.

Paleo Chocolate Zucchini Muffins - Grain-Free Chocolate Zucchini Muffins that are gluten-free, dairy-free, and Paleo-friendly. These paleo chocolate zucchini muffins are tender, chocolaty, and perfect for breakfast or snack.

If you enjoy grain-free recipes you might also like my Grain-Free Banana Everything Bars, or myPaleo Chocolate Chip Cookies.

Did you make these paleo pancakes? Please leave a comment below and let me know what you thought!

Yield: 8-10 Paleo Pancakes

Paleo Pancake Recipe - Mix now or save for later! – Gluten-Free Palate (8)

A Paleo Pancake Mix Recipe that is simple to make, a tried and true grain-free pancake recipe, and can be made right away, or stored for future use.

Prep Time10 minutes

Cook Time20 minutes

Total Time30 minutes



  1. Mix dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl then transfer to an airtight container if you are saving it for later. Don't forget to label your container with the date.
  2. When you are ready to make paleo pancakes:
  3. Pre-heat a non-stick griddle, or pan. Pour the dry pancake mix into a large mixing bowl. If you doubled or tripled the dry ingredients before storing make sure add enough wet ingredients or measure out one batch worth of dry ingredients to mix with the wet ingredients above. One batch equals about 1 ½ cups + 1 tablespoon (180g) of dry paleo pancake mix.
  4. Add the wet ingredients and stir just until combined.
  5. Spoon ¼ cup of batter onto a medium hot griddle and cook until the edges start to brown and bubbles form.
  6. Flip pancakes over and cook until brown and cooked through.
  7. Serve hot.


  • Remember when measuring almond flour to spoon your flour into your measuring cup, then level it. Do not dip your measuring cup into the flour then level, it will be too much almond flour.
  • Freezing instructions: Bring your pancakes to room temperature and store them in a zip lock bag or airtight container for up to 3 months.

Nutrition Information:



Serving Size:

1 pancake

Amount Per Serving:Calories: 141Total Fat: 9gSaturated Fat: 1gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 8gCholesterol: 38mgSodium: 134mgCarbohydrates: 10gFiber: 2gSugar: 6gProtein: 5g

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Thanks for sharing!

Paleo Pancake Recipe - Mix now or save for later! – Gluten-Free Palate (2024)


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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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